Friday, 17 April 2009

Easter outings

So how was your Easter?  We had a lovely time with our guests and family members.  My mother-in-law will be 83 this month but is pretty good shape although less mobile than she has been.  We wanted to take her and her friend out into the Kent countryside so we made a visit to Lullingstone Country Park.  Although it looks a little grey here it did brighten up and a wander into the World Garden along a path strewn with flowers in bright colours was very jolly.  We even took a riverside walk (complete with wheelchair!).

We had tea and cake outside with the sun on our backs and then pottered around the nursery where a little violet plant was purchased for me.  It was a very happy day.

Another day we made a visit to a delightful garden centre where I was able to spend the plant token I got for my birthday.  I bought a Bottle Brush shrub - a photo of that another time but it actually has a flower (mine is bright red) which looks exactly like a bottle brush and very cute.

Easter Sunday was a special lunch for 8 followed by tea in bone china cups, hot cross buns and chocolate Easter cake (very similar to the one I made last year I discovered from looking back at the blog!!) but I wasn't able to take any photos as I was chief cook and bottle-washer and it is very difficult to do all the hosting and take the photos.  I realise now that I should have delegated the photography to a daughter but alas I didn't think of it at the time!

Thoughtful Wednesday

"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement – to get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes noth...