Saturday, 11 April 2015

My Week by Maximus the Cat!

An occasional series!

It's been a topsy turvey week here with my staff.  One of them has gone away complete with huge suitcase.  I miss her as she always gave me lots of kisses and cuddles although I have to say I am not missing the dancing and upside down turnabouts!  All a bit much for me but I have great tolerance!!. Other things have been moving too so I just had to investigate - any cleared cupboard is a home to me

And it was very kind of the staff to put sheets and towels out on the table for me in the spare room 

But I wasn't at all impressed when they woke me up taking photos!  Can you believe it?

Yes, I was grumpy but who wouldn't be?  So I went downstairs and oh how lovely that sunshine was!

The staff member who put the sheets and towels out seems to be working at the dining room table a lot these days so I popped up to keep her company.

Evenings were spent on THE QUILT wherever I could find a space

or on the lap of the other staff member who is generally much calmer and quieter - zzzzzz, it's been a busy week.

Does my paw look big in this?

Max, Maximus, I'll answer to anything if there is meat and gravy about!

1 comment:

driftwood said...

gosh you have been busy max, you deserve a relaxing weekend x

Thoughtful Wednesday

"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement – to get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes noth...