The lovely daughter no. 4 in Paris had a birthday last week and I had been planning for some time what to do! Post didn't seem to be getting to her apartment so we decided I would send to the Lanvin office! So far so good. What do you send to the gorgeous who love beautiful things? Beautiful flowers of course! So having scanned the websites for delivery to Paris I found one and ordered a delightful bouquet of pink and white flowers to arrive on her birthday. I also made a card and crocheted a necklace and sent that off too. Did they arrive? No No No!! She got the card on Tuesday this week but there was a hole where the necklace had been taken out!!!! Boo Hoo I say and she did too when she found out. So all alone in Paris and no presents!!! But she did get a beautiful cake from Lauderie from her colleagues at Lanvin so not all was lost. And today I got a refund from the flower company who could not explain it at all. And another crocheted necklace is in process so we will celebrate when she is back next week. In the meantime, here are some other things I have been up to lately;

Same pattern and different colour combination yarn and I am very pleased with the results. They are now packed up and in the UK postal system so I sincerely hope they do better than the stuff destined for Paris!!