Friday, 7 October 2011

Thoughtful Friday 144

 "Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
One cannot help but be in awe when he comtemplates
the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous
structure of reality.  It is enough if one tries merely
to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.
Never lose a holy curiosity."
Albert Einstein


Tracy said...

Oh, this is wonderful... the "mystery every day"... In praise of every day... yes... :o) ((HUGS))

Becky Shander said...

Such a good reminder to live the every day life curiously, thank you. Days can be richer when we look deeply into the mystery.

Thoughtful Wednesday

"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement – to get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes noth...