Friday 2 March 2012

GPP Street Challenge 60

Another great challenge from Michelle over at GPP Street Team all about honoring what you love!  I chose to include some of my favourite things when it comes to journalling - script text stamps, found words from books, heart stamps, brown paper with red stitching, crochet flowers into a background of gesso and paint giving some nice texture.  The photo could be better for sure but I am late with this challenge as I have been down with flu for a week so don't want to wait until it is daylight!!!

Thank you Michelle for all the work you put into these challenges for us.  I will miss them for sure.


michelle ward said...

Sheila, sorry you've been ill. Hope things are much better today. Thanks for coming to play! As I was reading your list of favorite things before scrolling down to look at the page my heart skipped a beat when you said brown paper with red stitching. *swoon* Looking at your list I can nod along and say I love those things too! So happy to have you join us on this challenge. Hope you'll be able to come for the final one before a little respite.

Terri Corona said...

I love your page - beautiful colors. And the little crocheted flower, and envelope are great texture...

Diana Taylor said...

A lovely journal page - I really like how you got the distressed look with the background colours, and I love the little crochet flower - really pretty.

Tracy said...

Such a pretty page, Sheila... I love the texture and distress here...and not least the sweet envelope! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Tracy said...

Such a pretty page, Sheila... I love the texture and distress here...and not least the sweet envelope! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Thoughtful Wednesday

"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement – to get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes noth...